Bouygues Télécom Disputes The Rules For Allocating 5G Frequencies
As 5G prepares, the Arcep must make the sharing of its frequencies fair. But Bouygues Télécom does not like his latest plan in the least.
Bouygues Télécom Disputes The Rules For Allocating 5G Frequencies
As 5G prepares, the Arcep must make the sharing of its frequencies fair. But Bouygues Télécom does not like his latest plan in the least.
5G is becoming the hottest topic in the smartphone world. And for good reason: network technology is intended to be the source of new revolutions on the market.
However, its deployment is becoming more and more complicated, particularly because of the struggles between Huawei and the American government.
In France, operators are preparing to recover their frequencies, but Arcep must first define the rules for their sale.
Bouygues Stands Up Against The Plans of The Arcep
The last proposed plan does not have any more to do with Bouygues Telecom, as shown in La Tribune.
Arcep has proposed a 40 to 60 MHz block at a fixed price to each operator, then to auction the remaining frequencies in 10 MHz blocks with a limit of 100 MHz per operator.
However, the deputy director of Bouygues Telecom contests this proposal, which he finds “incomprehensible” on the part of the French regulator.
Indeed, the firm is concerned that such a plan favours companies with the largest capital, Orange and SFR, leaving Bouygues and Free with a less rich and therefore less attractive network.
Moreover, Didier Casas argues that the Arcep wanted to contain Orange’s near-monopoly on professional networks.
However, 5G will be the nerve centre of the B2B solutions war of tomorrow (especially on the connected car), so that such a plan would risk widening the gap between operators once again, he said.
It seems very complicated for the Arcep to come up with a plan that is not immediately criticized by the operators.
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